source Do you feel like you are not in control of your life? Do you struggle to figure out how to get everything done in a day? Are you worried that you can’t stay organized or stay ahead of the game? If you want to take your life back and truly enjoy the time that you have, then the “Time Management” book is for you! The “Time Management” is a book that shows you what it really means to stay in [ Read More ] for the ‘News’ Category How Book Publishing Adds Value to Your Career Our team is in the process of publishing a book – (tentative title): Advantages of Publishing Your Own Book…..I Use My Book as an Expended Business Card! We are looking for a few success stories to be included in our forthcoming book. The top 10 stories will be selected to be featured and published. We want you to share your testimonial on how publishing a book has helped in your business. {As [ Read More ] We Promote Successful Business Owners as Authority in Their Industry! We can promote YOU and get you cited in the major media outlets. Once we get you cited on the several major media networks, you are then able to use “As Seen On” and the logos of those networks on all of your marketing materials. This gives you added authority in your niche or field of expertise. Potential customers as well as a few other media networks will now view YOU as the AUTHORITY to go to. Can you see the [ Read More ] url Shawn Chhabra is asuccessful entrepreneur, educator, business coach and marketing executive who resides in Saint Louis, MO. He holds both his Bachelor’s and Master’s degree, and places great emphasis on a solid education. Shawn has leveraged his educational background to become an author, coach, mentor, and curriculum creator for several online institutions. He has worked within several industries including food, clothing, retail, IT, and holistic health. He is a big believer in healthy living, and has put this concept into [ Read More ] Dash Diet: Heart Health, High Blood Pressure, Cholesterol, Hypertension, Wt.Mgt.Learn (Enhanced-Updated Edition) Lose Weight Fast with Dash Diet Detox, … Lose Wt (Weight Loss, Addiction and Detox) Another Best Seller by Shawn Chhabra
Tramadol Online Price Weight Loss by Quitting Sugar and Carb – Learn How to Overcome Sugar Addiction – A Sugar Buster Super Detox Diet (Weight Loss, Addiction and Detox) (Published NOv 16th, 2013) Cancer Sucks! Super Foods May be the Fix! (upcoming 2013/2014) Healthy Dose Of Time Management (upcoming 2013/2014) The Winning Way (With Brian Tracy) (upcoming 2013/2014) Weight Loss by Quitting Sugar and Carb – Learn How to Overcome Sugar Addiction – A Sugar Buster Super Detox Diet (Weight Loss, Addiction and Detox)