Shawn-Chhabra’s-Best-Tip-as-seen-in- “Small Business Examiner Section: Six successful salespeople share their best b2b tips for startups”- As-Seen-in
Six successful salespeople share their best b2b tips for startups
Shawn-Chhabra’s-Best-Tip-as-seen-in-best-b2b-tips for
If you’re just getting started in business-to-business (B2B) sales or need a refresher, this list is for you. We asked six sales experts to share their best secrets on everything from finding prospects to nailing the sales meeting, and here’s what they had to say.
Finding Prospects
Get Active on B2B Online Communities
Get involved as an active participant with relevant online communities and you will have a long list of prospects in no time. There are Facebook Groups, LinkedIN Groups, and independent sites you have to pay to join. You can also find Joint Ventures (similar companies but not competing with you), and send your promotional offers to their clients.
– Shawn Chhabra, Buy Back Queen
Buy Back Queen is a website where you can trade in electronics for cash.
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